
Soft and Serene Bouquet

Soft and Serene Bouquet
Soft and Serene Bouquet Indulge in the soothing and calming beauty of the Soft and Serene Bouquet. This stunning arrangement features a delicate selection of premium flowers in dreamy shades of pink and lavender, elegantly arranged in a loose and natural style. The Soft and Serene Bouquet includes a variety of blooms that evoke a sense of tranquility and serenity. Bright gerbera daisy paired with a sweet-smelling red rose, delicate pink carnations and more. The overall effect is one of understated elegance and natural beauty. Whether you're sending a thoughtful gift or treating yourself to some much-needed relaxation, the Soft and Serene Bouquet is the perfect choice. Its gentle colors and graceful design make it a versatile choice for any occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries to sympathy gestures. Order the Soft and Serene Bouquet today and experience the peaceful beauty of this exquisite arrangement.
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Soft and Serene Bouquet
$ 44.95
Luxury level
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more luxury. Deluxe is shown.
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