
Happy Thoughts Bouquet

Happy Thoughts Bouquet
Happy Thoughts Bouquet Send Happy Thoughts to someone who needs a little cuteness in their life! This adorable, petite flower arrangement is filled with roses, gerberas, tulips, button poms, carnations, and so much more. With a variety of bright blooms, flowers like these are sure to make them smile! Includes: Cube Vase, Foliage: Variegated Pittosporum, Galax Leaves, Bicolored Yelloworange Rose, Hot Pink Gerbera, Pink Tulips, Limegreen Novelty Button Poms, Pink Miniature Spray Roses, Orange Mini Carnations, Limegreen Fuji Mum, Lavender Waxflowers, Limegreen Tulle, Orange Polka Dotted Ribbon, Hot Pink Satin Ribbon, Hot Pink Decorative Aluminum Wire.
Happy Thoughts Bouquet
$ 59.95
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? Increase for more flowers, more greenery,
more luxury. Deluxe is shown.
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