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Breezy Blossoms Bouquet

Breezy Blossoms Bouquet
Breezy Blossoms Bouquet Treat yourself or someone special to a stunning hand-tied bouquet that captures the essence of spring in every bloom. This bouquet features an exquisite mix of white Gerberas, yellow and soft purple daisies, and delicate pink Alstroemeria, all expertly arranged to create a symphony of colour and texture. The lush greenery adds depth and interest to the bouquet, while the luxurious pink Korean wrap gives it a touch of elegance and sophistication. Korean wraps are known for their high-quality and unique designs, making this bouquet the perfect gift for someone who appreciates beauty and quality. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply brightening up someone's day, this hand-tied bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression. The delicate and vibrant blooms convey a sense of joy and happiness, while the luxurious wrap adds a touch of indulgence. Order now and experience the beauty and elegance of this wonderful bouquet for yourself. It's the perfect way to celebrate the beauty of spring and show your love and appreciation to someone special.
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Breezy Blossoms Bouquet
$ 29.95
Luxury level
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